Training Session

Full Arch Rehabilitation with LOCATOR & LOCATOR FIXED (401)


There are various techniques for the restoration of full arches with dental implants, including both screw-less and screw-retained prosthetics. This course provides an overview of overdenture treatment options for surgical and restorative dentists. Explore the flexible, removable option of implant-supported denture restorations with LOCATOR attachments. Compare the differences between this removable option to the new, screw-retained LOCATOR FIXED system and learn the conversion process. Participants will understand diagnosis and treatment planning for both implant overdenture options and successful overdenture fabrication and delivery techniques, including an introduction to digital dentures. This course will review the new Simply IconicTM, practice of an immediate denture conversion, and a simplified technique for full arch impressions.


  • Develop a comprehensive approach for the assessment of full arch cases that will be treated with dental implants 

  • Plan the placement of dental implants for the rehabilitation of full arches with either screw-less or screw-retained prostheses 

  • Compare the differences between screw-less or screw-retained full arch therapy 

  • Incorporate the Simply IconicTM into the full-arch workflow 

  • Enhance implant placement skills for full-arch cases 

  • Learn the requirements and techniques for the treatment of full arches with a new screw-less attachment system 

  • Perform simple and predictable immediate denture conversions after extractions and implant placement 

  • Learn simplified methods for the fabrication of definitive overdentures and LOCATOR FIXED protheses


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