Training Session

Expanding to Multiple Unit Cases & Increasing Predictability (301)


This two-day program will cover treatment modalities that can be utilized in both single-tooth implants and more complex interdisciplinary cases to achieve great outcomes. Several treatment adjuncts will be discussed in detail to achieve superior results, including hard and soft tissue augmentation, osseodensification, orthodontic bone formation, and partial extraction therapy. This program will also discuss abutment and restoration design to achieve long-term crestal bone stability. At the conclusion of this course, clinicians will feel more confident handling routine and more complex cases in a traditional analog and digital workflow.


  • Diagnose, plan, and phase treatment for patients losing multiple teeth, including temporization and interdisciplinary treatment plan 

  • Understand socket preservation, bone graft materials, membrane selection, and osseodensification techniques for osteotomy preparation 

  • Select implants, explore fabrification of screw-retained bridges, and the benefits of the digital workflows for surgical guide fabrication and implant placement 

  • Describe strategies for maintaining long-term crestal bone stability, including factors like soft tissue thickness, keratinized gingiva, and implant design 

  • Differentiate between implant placement in healed ridges vs. immediate extraction sockets, and review orthodontic tooth movement’s impact on bone creation 

  • Compare cemented vs. screw-retained restorations, discuss lab communication, and review clinical case studies 


JB White Read Bio

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