Training Session

Scale Your Implant Marketing Impact (B600)


The landscape of implant dentistry is more competitive than ever before. Marketing must go beyond traditional methods to establish practice success. In this course, you will discover and implement effective implant marketing approaches: in-office, community, outside patient, and follow-up channels. Participants will compare which stagnate vs. promote growth and utilize digital channels for growth, including best practices for social media content, website development, incorporation of the technology disruptor AI agent, and more. You’ll leave with a take-home toolkit for the DIY marketing dentist and the steps for high tech, high impact scaling with a marketing partner. Learning successes and pitfalls from the clinician perspective and your role in practice marketing will help you feel confident in setting goals and achieving results.

  • Observe traditional, digital, and future technology marketing tools and channels to maximize customer reach, including the incorporation of AI 

  • Compare effective vs. ineffective marketing approaches from the clinician perspective 

  • Review and create marketing action plans, compelling social posts, and tools for measuring results 

  • Develop confidence in both implementing a DIY strategy and leveraging a marketing partnership to increase customer leads


Christian Yaste Read Bio
Lauren Powers Read Bio

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