Training Session

Full Arch Guided Surgery: Overcoming Complications and Managing Pitfalls (402)


This comprehensive program explores the approaches of full arch implant reconstruction with overdentures and the “All on X” technique. It covers treatment planning, surgery, and prosthetic principles to enhance both short and long-term success. Despite high success rates, complications can occur, and this course dives deep into their prevention and treatment. Guided surgery techniques will be discussed to enhance clinical outcomes while addressing limitations and pitfalls. Case presentations will demonstrate step-by-step complication management, equipping participants with the knowledge and skills needed to make informed decisions regarding a guided vs. free-hand approach to full arch implant therapy.


  • Discuss the advantages and limitations of guided implant surgery, particularly in full arch reconstruction 

  • Explain the benefits and drawbacks of performing flap or flapless guided surgery 

  • Review both guided and freehand case presentations to prevent and manage full arch complications 

  • Gain practical insights into selecting the most effective workflow tailored to clinical needs, patient expectations, and practice goals 

  • Understand the indications for implant reconstruction with overdentures versus the “All on X” approach 

  • Learn strategies to prevent short and long-term surgical and prosthetic complications 

  • Master step-by-step surgical and prosthetic procedures to maximize long-term positive outcomes 

  • Treat implant complications using predictable surgical and prosthetic principles 

  • Review case presentations that reinforce the management of implant complications in a time and cost-effective manner


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